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Challenge / Goal

The city of Groningen, known for its vibrant city life and extensive bicycle use, aims to become greener, smarter, and more livable. The city centre, particularly the Gedempte Zuiderdiep area, faces challenges with daily supply operations for retailers and catering companies, leading to congestion, noise, emissions, and unsafe parking situations. With an expected 36% growth in city logistics by 2030, Groningen sought solutions to manage logistic traffic more effectively and allocate parking spaces through digital means.


Under the EIT Urban Mobility Call for Innovation 2023, the city partnered with Coding the Curbs. The proposed solution involved transforming unloading bays into smart zones. A former bus stop was converted into a bookable and geofenced unloading bay, which logistics operators could book in advance to ensure a safe parking spot for loading and unloading. A solar-powered Smart Sign was installed to display availability, upcoming bookings, and facilitate ad-hoc bookings and enforcement.

Citizen participation

Coding the Curbs engaged citizens through informal meetings and information distribution, gathering feedback before implementing the Smart Zones. Surveys accessible via QR codes were also distributed, allowing residents to voice their opinions on parking, loading and unloading, and street nuisances without needing to attend the meetings physically.



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