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Challenge / Goal

Cities are implementing ambitious mobility plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote public transportation, cycling, and walking. Traditionally, mobility planning relied on costly, decade-long household surveys that poorly reflected current mobility trends. For instance, traditional surveys in France costing over 1 million euros captured data from less than 1% of the population on a single day, offering limited insights. This approach complicates the measurement of mobility plans' true impacts on emissions, the comprehensive understanding of emissions trends, and the verification of increased non-motorised and clean vehicle usage.


Patterns CO2 leverages GPS data collected throughout the day from various mobile apps to provide a daily snapshot of travel routes. This data-driven approach, enhanced by advanced data science and geospatial algorithms, offers a socio-demographic and spatially representative overview of different transportation modes. It complies with the General Data Protection Regulation. The in-house big data processing chain utilises leading technologies like DataBricks, PSQL, Tableau, and AWS and involves:

  • Collecting extensive GPS data points per user daily.
  • Cleaning and processing these points to identify trips.
  • Allocating trips to specific transportation modes.
  • Statistically adjusting the data to represent the entire population.
  • Analysing the data to generate origin/destination matrices, modal shares, and other metrics focused on points of interest, seasonality, and carbon emissions.

Citizen participation

While citizens were not directly involved in the development and implementation, the project was designed to meet the needs of cities and transport operators and was conducted in partnership with the Greater Nancy city and public transport operator teams.


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Time period

Planning time: Less than 6 months

Implementation time: Less than 6 months



Service providers


End users

Cities, regions, putblic transport operators, public transport authorities

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