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Challenge / Goal

Accurately measuring CO2 emissions is complicated by several factors, including the complex nature of urban environments, the variability of emission sources, and the dynamics of time and climate. Additionally, integrating and analysing data presents significant challenges within the scientific community. The goal was to overcome these obstacles through a public-private partnership model. This model fosters collaboration between scientific institutions, private industries, and municipal authorities, aiming to develop a scientifically robust solution for precise CO2 emission measurements at the city level.


The phased solution included establishing a public-private partnership, developing a fully operational and sufficiently accurate measurement station, creating updated emission inventories segmented by sector and spatially distributed, and establishing an operational framework for monthly platform updates. The result is a platform that provides cities with an operational, science-based tool for monitoring emissions. Currently, the technological infrastructure for measuring CO2 emissions is supported by generating emission inventories, deploying advanced monitoring stations in urban areas, and using atmospheric modelling to interpret the data collected by these stations. These components, developed by in collaboration with the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE), enable the generation of local CO2 emission data in near-real-time, with a lead time of approximately two months, compared to traditional methods that typically yield calculated emission values within a two-year timeframe.



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Time period

Planning time: 1 to 2 years

Implementation time: 2 to 5 years

Implementers (group Suez), Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) - Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement (LSCE) , City of Paris

Service providers

End users

Governments, regions, cities, public administration organs

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