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Challenge / Goal

The thermal assessment for the Eco Plaza redesign project at Masdar City was initiated to address the effects of urban heat, especially in the arid climate of the UAE. The primary goal was to enhance thermal comfort and reduce heat stress in this densely populated urban area. The project leveraged advanced data collection and analysis methodologies to guide the redesign of Eco Plaza, ensuring the new design improves the quality of life for its users while adhering to sustainable and energy-efficient standards.

Goals Set to Achieve:

  • Thermal Optimisation: Use thermal data to inform the design process, ensuring the redesigned plaza is cooler and more comfortable for daily use. This involves the strategic use of materials, the inclusion of green spaces, and the installation of innovative cooling technologies.
  • Enhanced Public Spaces: Transform Eco Plaza into a vibrant and functional space with new features such as play areas, transport hubs, and public art installations, all designed with an emphasis on thermal comfort and aesthetic appeal.
  • Community and Infrastructure Integration: The project aims to align with the broader urban infrastructure and community needs, proposing solutions that benefit Masdar City’s residents and visitors long-term.
  • Sustainability: Integrate sustainable practices and materials into the redesign, setting a benchmark for future urban development projects within the region.
  • Post-Implementation Analysis: After completing the redesign, continuously monitor and analyse the thermal environment of the plaza to assess the effectiveness of the implemented solutions and make further adjustments if needed.

This holistic approach was designed to not only address the immediate needs of thermal discomfort but also to contribute to the broader goals of urban sustainability and resilience in Masdar City.


To address the challenge of mitigating urban heat at Masdar City's Eco Plaza, FortyGuard implemented a series of strategic steps integrating data-driven insights into practical design solutions:

  • Comprehensive Data Collection: Utilised a combination of mobile and stationary sensing equipment to collect over 3.5 million data points related to temperature and other relevant weather conditions across Eco Plaza.
  • Data Analysis and Heat Assessment Report: Processed the collected data using state-of-the-art analytical tools to map out hot spots and evaluate the effectiveness of current materials and designs in heat mitigation.
  • Concept Design Validation: Evaluated proposed features in the concept design to ensure they align with the thermal goals set for the plaza.
  • Implementation of Cooling Techniques: Recommended and implemented additional green spaces; advised on replacing high heat-absorbing materials like AstroTurf with alternatives offering higher reflectivity and lower heat retention; and designed new shade structures such as pergolas and extended canopies that provide significant cover while allowing for natural air circulation.

Citizen participation



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Time period

Planning time: Less than 6 months

Implementation time: Less than 6 months


FortyGuard, Masdar City

Service providers

Masdar City

End users

All citizens

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