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Challenge / Goal

Currently, standard bus services provided in the peripheral suburbs of Madrid show speed data well below the city average. This is mostly due to traffic congestion and illegal parking. There is significant potential to reduce such congestion, particulary through traffic light optimisation, as on average some 25% of the journey stoppage time relates to waiting for a green light.


At the city level, the measure developed some of the actions envisaged in the Madrid Air Quality Plan (2017) and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (2013). 

Additionally, the Region’s Transport Strategy (Vision 2025) laid the foundations for expansion of the bus network in peripheral districts. It therefore contributed to the city’s goal of increasing the modal share of public transport, reducing emission levels and thereby also improving air quality.

At the strategic level, the corridor facilitated the identification of the most suitable design and operational options to improve the quality of bus services provided in the southern and eastern periphery. These identified measures help in increasing the environmental performance, reliability and speed of public transportation. Overall, the corridor is expected to provide higher quality and more attractive bus services, that are competitive with private cars, and result in an increase in public transport usage.

This measure is in fact the first step for the implementation of bus service corridors throughout the whole outer city area. This first step involves Madrid’s ‘living lab’ area (south-east corridor) - two south-eastern peripheral districts: Puente de Vallecas and Villa de Vallecas. The measure is critical for the subsequent design and implementation of the whole corridor. Therefore, a pilot section of approximately 3.7km was implemented, connecting the living lab with the districts of Moratalaz, San Blas-Canillejas and Ciudad Lineal, all of them in the eastern periphery of Madrid.

Different options for segregation (physical/flexible/virtual), priority (using information and communication, ICT tools) and enforcement (ICT tools/video cameras) were analysed. This new corridor is connected to intermodal facilities to ease modal transfer between public transport services, and bus stops are adapted in order to provide boarding times in line with the high level of service standards. Additionally, existing routes are redefined to accommodate the new high-level service corridor.

As of November 2018, the construction project has been completed, leading to awareness of the following aspects which also need working on: 

  • Rearrangement of crossroads
  • Improved parking facilities
  • Creation of new signals
  • Adaptation of bus stops
  • Connection with other intermodal public transport facilities
  • ICT tools


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Madrid City Council

End users

All Citizens

    Main benefits

  • Improving public transport accessibility

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